Post about "Education"

A Direct Relation Between School and Education

There are two types of relations between two variables, i-e the direct and indirect relation. The relation between education and school is direct because literacy rate can be augmented by the increasing numbers of school. This bond between school and education is so ancient that we do not find an exact date of its origin. However, its traces can be seen in the countries like ancient Greece, Rome, and China.Regional usage of the word ‘school’The application of the word ‘school’ varies from a country to a country. In the United Kingdom, this word refers principally to pre-university institutions, and they can be divided into pre-schools or nursery schools, primary schools, and secondary schools.It is of less importance that at which level your child is studying, either he is at the primary or the secondary level. The essential part is that the institute, in which he studies, provides him/her the standard quality of education. This is because only right guidance at right age gives one the firm foundation, necessary for his growth and development.The quality of the UK school and educationThe quality of the UK schools is among the best in the world. The prep school, public, private and primary schools have proven that their courses meet strict criteria and now we see that the other countries, especially the third-world countries are also trying to follow the pattern of the UK schools. Why is it so? This is because they provide the effervescent, creative and challenging environment to the pupil so that they can give full vent to their ability and potential.The education system in the UK is also divided into “key stages” which are as follows: key stage 1 – 5 to 7 years old, key stage 2 – 7 to 11 years old, key stage 3 – 11 to 14 years old, key stage 4 – 14 to 16 years old. The primary education starts at the age of 5, sometimes this stage of education is further split into two levels, i-e infant/nursery schools and junior schools. Next is the secondary education, which takes in the subsequent level of education between the age group of 11-16 years. Then further education and higher education begin at the age of 18 at colleges or universities.The payback of the dispersal of educationThough, the benefits of education are innumerable but some are cited below;
Education directs one how to think and what to think.
It inflames the mind of young ones with intellect and wisdom.
Enhance the quality of understanding, which later helps and guides oneself to the right choice of the profession.
Education or knowledge plays an important role in the infusion of civilization in the society.
It propagates sophisticated and cultured behaviour in a being.Put briefly, the purposely end of the education is to wipe out ignorance and immorality from the world and emancipate the human mind with its full velocity and vastness.